Holistic Arts Institute

Integrating Ancient Wisdom and Modern Practice

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People are continually looking for ways to
have a happier, healthier, and
more meaningful life;
Holistic Arts Institute’s
distance learning holistic health
courses and programs are carefully tailored to meet those needs.


Best of all, special program pricing includes a
savings of up to 30% off of the individual course prices!





Do No Harm:  The holistic healer does no harm and serves humanity with the objective of cultivating goodness and wholeness.


Unconditional Love:  Holistic healers offer care from an infinite field of love and compassion. 


Model Healthy Behaviors:  Holistic healers model healthy behaviors and engage in practices that support wholeness. 


Form Quality Professional Relationships:  The holistic healer maintains cooperative relationships with other professionals whether holistic or allopathic. 


Form Quality Client Relationships:  The holistic healer strives to see the client as a whole person—body, mind, and spirit—and provides care that is culturally appropriate and consistent. 


The Pursuit of Wisdom:  Holistic healers pursue wisdom and act wisely. 


Competence in Holistic Practice:  The holistic healer carries personal responsibility for practice and for maintaining continued competence. 


Professional Responsibility:  The holistic healer plays a role in determining and implementing desirable standards of holistic practice and education. 


Societal Responsibility:  The holistic healer, along with other humans, has a responsibility for initiating and supporting actions to meet the health and social needs of society. 


Environmental Responsibility:  The holistic healer, along with other humans, has a responsibility to establish environmental harmony so that planetary healing may take place. . . . MORE!


Holistic ethics embrace and cultivate the fusion of self with others, with nature, and with the cosmos.  In this process, holistic ethics become a cosmic ecology, a flowing with the universal tides of events, and the holistic healer is then a cocreator of celestial harmony. 



The Origins of

Holistic Medicine



Holism and holistic medicine are often thought of as new concepts only recently developed, but they are actually rooted in antiquity.  Ancient cultures such as the Indians, Chinese, Europeans, Native Americans, and others, have applied holistic principles in their healing practices for centuries.  As early as 5,000 B.C., the physician sages formulating the healing traditions of Ayurvedic medicine from India and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) from China recognized that health represented a balance of body, mind, spirit, and the universe.  This belief was, and remains, the underlying foundation in the healing traditions of indigenous peoples around the globe. . . . MORE!



The greatness of a nation

and its moral progress



can be judged by the way

its animals are treated.

~Mahatma Gandhi











People are continually looking for ways to have a happier, healthier, and more meaningful life; Holistic Arts Institute’s distance learning holistic health courses and programs are carefully tailored to meet those needs.  There are multiple incentives for enrolling in HAI’s distance learning courses and programs. Here are just a few of the benefits: 


ACCREDITATION:  HAI is accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. Accreditation for Holistic Health programs in the United States is an entirely voluntary process. Accreditation for an institution of learning represents a validation that the school programs have been thoroughly investigated and found worthy of recognition by a qualified body. 


BOARD CERTIFICATION:  Graduates of HAI programs consisting of five or more courses qualify for Board Certification as Holistic Health Practitioners through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP). The application will be mailed to you upon graduation from any of our qualifying programs. You may contact the AADP at 1-888-764-AADP. 


AFFORDABILITY:  It is HAI’s mission to provide comprehensive, yet affordable, distance learning holistic health courses and programs for adult learners with a true desire to discover and explore the dimension of wholeness—body, mind, and spirit—within themselves. 


CONVENIENCE:  Course materials are accessible twenty-four hours a day, and seven days a week, so you can study and learn whenever and wherever you choose. You can read and review lessens, discussions, articles, and additional commentary at anytime and as often as you would like to. You also have the convenience of studying in the comfort of your own home, or taking your HAI studies with you while traveling, working, or visiting your favorite internet café. 


FLEXIBILITY:  Because HAI's typical student is an adult learner with family and professional responsibilities, our flexible learning format works within your own schedule. 


AVAILABILITY:  Students can talk to their instructors through email without waiting for specific office hours. At HAI, you are very important to us and we strive to develop a personal relationship with every student. 


QUALITY:  You can find a diverse selection of quality courses at HAI that may not be available to you where you live because there are no geographic barriers to distance learning. These learning opportunities enable you to have access to a broad spectrum of content that may not be available through other sources. 


COMPUTER LITERACY:  Using the internet to attend class, research information, and communicate with instructors at HAI promotes computer literacy. Computer skills are essential to being in harmony with a global community in the twenty-first century. 


Affordability, convenience, and flexibility are all compelling and contribute to the attractiveness of the learning opportunities at HAI. Knowledge of the world around us and the world within are both paths to personal evolution, and so allow yourself the freedom to continue learning with Holistic Arts Institute. 





Holism and holistic healing are often thought of as new concepts only recently developed, but they are actually rooted in antiquity.  As early as 5,000 B.C., the physician sages formulating the healing traditions of Ayurvedic medicine from India and Traditional Chinese Medicine from China recognized that health represented a balance of body, mind, spirit, and the universe.  This belief was, and remains, the underlying foundation in the healing traditions of indigenous peoples around the globe.


Today, investigators in a growing number of scientific fields are increasingly recognizing that everything is connected.  Natural structures vary from the level of the tiniest subatomic particle to the immense universe, but each possesses specific characteristics within the structure and is governed by similar principles of organization.  At the most fundamental level, substance is not made of hardcore elements, atoms, and molecules; it is made of ultra-minute waveforms.  Nothing is entirely closed or independent; rather, everything is very sensitively connected with everything else. 


Like the universe, humans too are comprised of complex, integrated systems interacting and supporting each other on various vibrational levels.  We are living systems that are continuously receiving and transmitting information.  A change in any one part of the system affects all the other parts.  As with a kaleidoscope, the slightest turn changes the whole scenario.  Changes are occurring at all levels simultaneously and continuously.  Treating the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of an individual as unrelated systems fragments the whole self compounding existing problems and establishing new ones.  Socrates (469-399 B.C.) warned that treating only one part of the body would not have good results, “. . . for the part can never be well unless the whole is well.”


Holistic healing embodies the view that the individual is an integrated whole, independent of and greater than the sum of the parts. As wellness is a state of balance, oneness and wholeness, holistic healing seeks to harmonize the body with the subtle energies that are its origin, eliminating the imbalances that are the root cause of disease.  Holistic healing is the restoration of a sense of oneness and wholeness and is rooted in the continuing principle of healing as personal evolution. 


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