Holistic Arts Institute

Integrating Ancient Wisdom and Modern Practice

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Holistic healers view all of existence as sacred and interconnected

and serve with reverence and respect for all.



The Origins of

Holistic Medicine



Holism and holistic medicine are often thought of as new concepts only recently developed, but they are actually rooted in antiquity.  Ancient cultures such as the Indians, Chinese, Europeans, Native Americans, and others, have applied holistic principles in their healing practices for centuries.  As early as 5,000 B.C., the physician sages formulating the healing traditions of Ayurvedic medicine from India and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) from China recognized that health represented a balance of body, mind, spirit, and the universe.  This belief was, and remains, the underlying foundation in the healing traditions of indigenous peoples around the globe. . . . MORE!






At HAI, we believe that students who can exhibit the desire, self-discipline, and motivation to learn through independent study are surely deserving of the learning opportunity.  Whether you are eighteen or eighty-eight, high school graduate or doctorate, homemaker or physician, our doors are open. 



Follow the link below to learn more about

holistic healing:


Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP) Program



Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate;



our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

~Marianne Williamson











Do No Harm:  The holistic healer does no harm and serves humanity with the objective of cultivating goodness and wholeness.


Unconditional Love:  Holistic healers offer care from an infinite field of love and compassion.  The holistic healer strives to adopt an attitude of unconditional love for clients, other practitioners, and all of life.  Unconditional love describes the ability to love without reservations or agendas.  This type of love rests on a firm foundation of intentionality. 


Model Healthy Behaviors:  Holistic healers model healthy behaviors and engage in practices that support wholeness.  The holistic healer has a responsibility to identify and integrate self care strategies to enhance their own well being and assist others in their efforts to do the same.  Holistic healers recognize that self care practices can support and enhance healing capacities for every client.


Form Quality Professional Relationships:  The holistic healer maintains cooperative relationships with other professionals whether holistic or allopathic.  Holistic healers have a responsibility to nurture each other, and to support other healers to work as a team in the interest of client care.  The holistic healer makes referrals to other qualified professionals when appropriate.  The holistic healer does not make medical diagnoses nor prescribe medications without appropriate training and licensure; neither do they suggest that the client change prescribed treatment or interfere with the treatment of a licensed health care provider.


Form Quality Client Relationships:  The holistic healer strives to see the client as a whole person—body, mind, and spirit—and provides care that is culturally appropriate and consistent.  The holistic healer is sensitive to the boundary needs of individual clients.  The holistic healer holds in confidence all information obtained in professional practice, and uses professional judgment in disclosing such information.


The Pursuit of Wisdom:  Holistic healers pursue wisdom and act wisely.  Holistic healers cultivate awareness and understanding concerning individual consciousness and one’s relationship to Universal Consciousness.  Holistic healers recognize that clients may bring lessons to the healer; illness, pain, and the dying process offer learning opportunities for both the client and the healer.


Competence in Holistic Practice:  The holistic healer carries personal responsibility for practice and for maintaining continued competence.  Holistic healers provide services commensurate with their training and perform only those services for which they are qualified.  Holistic healers pursue continuing professional education and training to maintain and enhance their competence.  Holistic healers have the obligation to determine the efficacy and safety of all healing actions.  Wherever applicable, holistic healers utilize research findings in directing of practice.  Holistic healers observe all applicable laws, and uphold the dignity and honor of their profession.


Professional Responsibility:  The holistic healer plays a role in determining and implementing desirable standards of holistic practice and education.  Holistic healers work with others in their field and other fields to guide these healing professions toward holism, and to maintain and monitor high professional standards of care.  Holistic healers support holistic research and the development of holistically oriented healing theories.  The holistic healer participates in establishing and maintaining equitable social and economic working conditions in holistic healing.


Societal Responsibility:  The holistic healer, along with other humans, has a responsibility for initiating and supporting actions to meet the health and social needs of society.  Holistic healers serve humanity with full respect for the dignity, autonomy, and sensitivity of fellow human beings.


Environmental Responsibility:  The holistic healer, along with other humans, has a responsibility to establish environmental harmony so that planetary healing may take place.  The holistic healer considers the health of the ecosystem in relation to the need for health, safety, and peace for all persons.  Holistic healers view all of existence as sacred and interconnected and serve with reverence and respect for all.  Healing relationships occur within all of existence and include not only people, but animals, plants, and the local, global, and cosmic environment.